If you had money to invest, how would you invest it? What would be the main aim of your game?
If you are a normal thinking person you would probably consider investing into something that makes money: in other words something that generates a consistent income.
With this in mind, what would you specifically look for when someone presents a business idea for you to invest into? Naturally you would want to know what you would get out of it – that is – what would be the return on your investment?
Simple, right?
If loans have been denied to you or an investor has declined to invest, don’t allow the word ‘no’ to kill your dream. Simply go back and put yourself in your investor’s shoes. When you understand what they are looking for, you will know how to package your offer.
When designing a business plan, look at it from your investor’s point of view. Keep in mind that he wants to invest. Because that’s what investors do! You simply need to prove that their money is safe and that they will get their money’s worth.
In light of this, note the following: if someone else wrote your business plan and you don’t know the exact ins and outs of it, I would not invest in it. Why not? I am not convinced that you know what you are doing. Does that mean you can’t hire a business consultant for help? Of course not. But your business plan must be an extension of you. Investors are looking for people who know what they are doing and have what it takes to succeed.
When you live, and do business, from your I Am you will have confidence, drive, and passion. You will clearly understand your need for specific savvy. When you know who you are, you will also know who you are not – which makes it so much easier to find exactly the right set of skills and personality to compliment yours.
Go back to your I Am. It is your anchor. It never changes. Even in business.