Welcome to 2018 and another season of I am. I thought we’d take a brief look back at our time together in 2017 and with one eye on the horizon excitedly allude as to what’s to come in 2018.
During season one, the core focus was on the I am factor which can be found within every one of us, that perfect purposeful being which was fully enveloped within us when we first arrived in this world. Together you and I discovered that just as each of us have a unique fingerprint, we also have a unique purpose and that this purpose is non-transferable and should we simply ignore it, we rob society around us of something that was designed to bring about change and beauty in this world.
Together we learnt that many of our ill decisions are based upon the simple reality of not knowing ourselves… We grasped that saying no to something harmful becomes so much easier when we know who we are and collectively delved into the blissful experience of awe in exercising the I am and its invaluable place in humanity.
In season two, I would like to focus on the I am factor in relationship to others: our family, friends, business associates and society in general. The purity of I am has the potential to rock the Earth of so many who may be desperately looking for answers, only to be met with a bombardment of diluted, unanswered and weakly addressed opinions of the masses. Ideas based on fiction and make-believe with no power to change the course of anyone’s life.
Therefore, I would like to invite you to join me for the launch of I Am season 2 on 23 February 2018 and let’s delve deeper into the treasure of I am…
Much love